• When CAN I retire financially?

  • When should I take Social Security income?

  • How will the cost of healthcare affect my retirement?


These questions plague many professors and college employees. Through years of experience we have found the answers for these questions that are right for you.

According to a 2017 Higher Education Faculty Study by Fidelity Investments, college professors gave themselves a B Grade for financial literacy.

  • 54% worry they may outlive their retirement assets
  • 42% say saving for retirement is their #1 financial goal
  • 37% view themselves as investment beginners
  • 30% are unsure how retirement savings are invested
  • 29% are not sure if they have the right investment mix 

With the increasing complexity that accompanies retirement, it is important that professors and educators understand and gain confidence in their current and future financial position.


Our Services

Through years of experience in helping professors and educators navigate the complexity of retirement, we have become familiar with the great benefits many universities and colleges offer. As independent advisors, our team does not have the same limitations that many university HR departments have in giving individual advice to faculty. Additionally, our team is authorized to work within the system of the nation's largest provider of non-profit retirement plan accounts, thus allowing us to provide personalized advice in managing employee retirement accounts.  The following are some service we offer:

  • Advising clients how to manage their investments within the college’s existing 401k, 403b or 457 retirement plans; 
  • Informing clients how and when to shift investments from the “accumulation phase” to the “income phase;” 
  • Projecting how long a person’s retirement resources will last; 
  • Comparing the impact of various Social Security options;
  • Planning for medical and long-term care expenses during retirement.
college professors